WHO Sepsis Resolution

Sepsis is a significant cause of maternal, neonatal and child mortality worldwide. Accounting for almost 20% of all deaths, it’s a major global health threat. Yet, so many challenges remain to combat it. 

The Global Sepsis Alliance (GSA) led the effort to get a World Health Organisation resolution on sepsis adopted, and engaged Clarion I’s director to provide a roadmap, based on her expertise and international policy accomplishments in the viral hepatitis field.  

Clarion I’s director provided guidance and support to GSA, and the organisation successfully gathered the consensus and authority of clinicians and families from over 70 countries. It also held side meetings at the World Health Assembly and gathered support from champion countries. The first ever sepsis resolution was adopted by 194 Member States in 2017 to improve, prevent, diagnose, and manage the disease through a series of interventions. This marked a quantum leap in the global fight against sepsis.

Following the adoption of the sepsis resolution, Clarion I was asked to facilitate board-level strategic sessions for GSA.

Clarion I is incredibly proud to have worked with GSA and we look forward to seeing robust national responses against sepsis. 

More about the work of GSA can be found here:


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